check the event app for the most current room assignments
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Cross Insurance Center | Bangor, Maine
7:30am - 8:00am
Registration Open, Light Breakfast
8:00am - 8:30am
Welcome (Ballroom 6)
8:30am - 10:00am
Breakout Session One
Choose from four breakout sessions options:
Supporting Mental Health Needs of Employees Through Trauma Informed Workplace (Room 1)
Session Goal: Understanding and breaking the stigma of recovery and mental health in the workplace, by creating a recovery friendly and trauma informed workplace.
Recruiting and Supporting New Mainers (Room A)
This session will highlight the importance of attracting, recruiting, supporting, and retaining New Mainers and discuss the challenges faced by immigrants working in Maine.
Embracing the Re-Entry Population Through Employment (Room 3)
This session will bust common myths and provide best practices to employers on hiring and supporting individuals who are justice involved.
Designing Work-Based Learning to Engage Local Youth (Ballroom 6)
This will be an opportunity for employers to create an actionable work-based learning plan.
This session will focus on best practices for supporting working parents including childcare resources, accommodations for working parents, and ways to support both parents and their children.
10:00am - 10:30am
Coffee Break and Student Arrival
10:30am - 11:45am
General Session: Learning Together: Youth & Young Adult Perspectives on Work (Ballroom 6)
Time for employers to connect with and learn from young adults about what they are seeking in an ideal job and workplace.
Noon - 2:00pm
Lunch & Innovation Hall (Arena)
Opportunity to network and participate in various activities that promote engagement between employers and young adults such as mock interviews. Learn more...
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Breakout Session Two
Choose from four breakout sessions options:
Retaining Workers Through High-Quality Jobs (Ballroom 6)
This session will provide employers with key strategies to create an inclusive, safe, fair workplace with high-quality job opportunities.
Creating Inclusive Workplaces Through Modifications and Accommodations (Ballroom 4)
This session will reveal the benefit to the business of incorporating accommodations and modifications to welcome a broader range of employees—including individuals with disabilities, individuals in recovery and older workers.
Multigenerational Approach—Supporting Working Parents and Children (Room C)
This session will focus on best practices for supporting working parents including childcare resources, accommodations for working parents, and ways to support both parents and their children.
LGBTQIA+ Communities and Workplace Supports (Room 3)
This session will focus on concrete and tangible changes employers can make to better support LGBTQIA+ employees and job seekers and answer questions from employers about inclusive language and workplace practices.
Student Departure
Summit Concludes